Monday, October 20, 2008

<3 October 20.

So; I havent posted in a long time. Donny && I are officially done. He cried && begged for me back && I told him that I did love him but we've allready tried && that it didn't work but I was sorry. Well the next day he took pictures with his ex kissing. Haha; yep I can tell he loved me so much.

Whatever, he's not worth worrying over. I'm still young. But I like this guy. His name is Khaley. He's had a pretty rough life. But he is just so sweet and amazing. I guess we'll see where that will go. =)

Anyways, Ive started my classes out at the family opp. center. They are extremly hard but Im working my butt off.

haha; well over spring break last year I talked to this guy named matt for about 2 days. && then he randomly called me last week && now he calls me && tells me that he misses me. WEIRD!! lol

Halloween is soon. I'm pumped. I hope my mom or dad lets me go trick-or-treating. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. So this Halloween I wanna make it big && fun. =D woowoo.

I miss my friends. I miss brittany- my bestie so much! I hope they dont forget about me. && I hope my bestie doesnt replace me. I miss my life. =( but I know that I have to suffer my consequences. I have to go to court soon. Im really nervous.

I want to move in with my dad. Its a very slow process. Its not that I hate it here at my moms. Im just ready for a change. but the whole child support thing is standing in the way. It sucks.

I hope when I go to court that they let me get a work permit, I REALLY want a job. I want to get some money to get some new clothes for school && get my hair done.

I can't wait until I go back to school. This year I get to go to prom. I can't wait!! =)

This month would be one year for adam cotner and I. I miss him. But I understand that theres a big reason that we're done. So, I know that this is for the best.

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